The core of this project is based on the immersive capacity offered by Virtual Reality. Currently, the standard for the creation of applications in this sphere is based on the use of graphics engines originating from the world of video games. For this reason, the approach adopted for the development of our educational tool follows a methodology similar to the creation of a video game.

The VR scenarios selected for InclusiveStone seek to illustrate in a clear and detailed way the different work areas, specific tasks, safety protocols and work interactions that characterize the natural stone sector. The structuring of these scenarios has been done with the aim of offering an immersive experience that is both educational and empowering, allowing users to navigate and participate in a virtual work environment that faithfully simulates the real world.

The InclusiveStone project focuses on the labour inclusion of people with disabilities in the natural stone sector, an industry that presents unique challenges in terms of accessibility and understanding of the working environment. The VR Training Tool of InclusiveStone project is a critical component of this project.

The training tool can be downloaded here to be used with VR glasses: VR Training Tool of InclusiveStone project.

For more information about using the required hardware, see the InclusiveStone technical documents (REPORTS), specifically the following documents:

A playlist related to the InclusiveStone project can be viewed on in the following YouTube playlist.

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